Order a Patent Search In Four Easy Steps
Step 1 – Contact Us
Contact us today to discuss your patent search needs. Speak directly with someone from our research team, not just an answering service, to get clear language answers you need about patent search types and prices.
Email: search@planetpatent.com Phone: 1-866-U-INVENT
Step 2 – Confidentiality Agreement
Fill it out the Confidentiality Agreement electronically and email it to search@planetpatent.com.
Or you may wish to print it out first, fill it in manually, scan it and then email it to search@planetpatent.com.
When we receive your completed Confidentiality Agreement we sign it and email it back to you.
If you have questions on how to fill out the Confidentiality Agreement contact us today and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.
Step 3 – Invention Disclosure
After receiving the signed Confidentiality Agreement fill out the Invention Disclosure and email it to search@planetpatent.com.
If you have questions on how to fill out the Invention Disclosure contact us today and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.
Step 4 – Firm Cost Quote
After examining your Invention Disclosure, we email you a firm cost quote for your review.
If you accept the firm cost quote reply to our email stating your approval. We proceed with the patent search only after receiving your approval of the firm cost quote.

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